The Nest is truly blessed to have so many wonderful people give their time and talents to care for the hurting kids in Jamaica! Each director/ support staff not only commits an extended time period to serve at the Nest but also raises their own support before arriving. Take some time and get to know these incredible servants we call family!

Chris & Cheran Hewitt
Chris and Cheran Hewitt and their girls, Clara and Cate, are from Virginia. Chris has worked as a Mechanical Engineer for Nibco, Inc. since graduating from college in 2013. Cheran has many years of experience as an administrative assistant and retail manager, and most recently has focused on raising their family. The Hewitt’s enjoy spending time outdoors including hiking and camping off the grid. Chris is also an avid bird-hunter while Cheran enjoys gardening, preserving food, and preparing meals. The girls love adventure and time together. Their precious lives are part of what drives the family to lead a simpler and more holistic life.
“We are more than excited to have taken on the role of Onsite Directors at Robin’s Nest Children’s Home in Jamaica. We have been so fortunate to have grown up in not only families but also environmental settings, that have allowed us to explore and advance in opportunities as they have presented themselves throughout the years. This, along with the prompting of the Holy Spirit, was a huge motivator for us to pursue this opportunity to serve the children and staff at Robin’s Nest Children’s Home. We have the heart to serve others and finally agreed that now was the time to answer the call we have felt over our lives and the lives of our own children. We feel greatly blessed to be used by God in this capacity.”

Dave & Robin Laney
Dave and Robin Laney are from Omaha, Nebraska. They have been married for 33 years and have 4 incredible adult children and 4 beautiful granddaughters. Dave had a long and successful career in IT and was building a Real Estate business before coming to Robin's Nest. He is very active in music ministry, playing bass and acoustic guitars, and he served on the Citylight Elder Board. Robin was a homeschool mom for about 20 years. During that time she served in multiple roles within the church, including in children, youth, family, and administrative ministries. As an empty nester, she served as Missions Director at Citylight Church for 4 years. Dave loves Nebraska football and pizza. Robin loves learning and appreciates a good ribeye steak. They both adore their grand babies and are so very proud of and thankful for their children.
"Robin and I are humbled and honored to serve at the Robin’s Nest Children’s Home. We feel that God has been leading us on a journey for years and we feel so privileged to serve the wonderful children and staff here at the Nest. We’ve been blessed with a tremendous redemption story in our lives and, even when the journey has been difficult, we’ve often asked ourselves, “Who gets to do this?” Serving Jesus has been a passion of ours for years and to do so here in Jamaica, while serving alongside some pretty amazing folks, is quickly becoming the adventure of a lifetime. We are seeing God work in overwhelmingly sovereign ways and truly feel we are on the cusp of seeing the miraculous redemption and restoration of His children. And He’s invited us to be a part of that journey! What a God we serve! What a blessing to be invited into this story!"
The Nest hires local men and women to help run the Nest . . . from POD moms to staff who handle construction and mechanics; from those who oversee our garden and chickens to those who cook three meals a day for over 40 people; from laundry and cleaning to our two managers who manage the staff and help oversee the well-being of each child. Although our staff is paid for their work, we see the time and care of them as an extension of our ministry to serve the community.
Merva Wolfe
"The past 21 years that I have been working at Robin's Nest have been such a blessing to me. The transition in my job has been marvelous - nursing, teaching, and interacting with the children, staff, and directors are great. I would never do anything else! I thank the Lord for giving me the strength to comfort these little ones in their time of need."
Tanya Foster
“Working for Robin’s Nest over the past 6 years has been such a tremendous blessing to me. I appreciate the transition in my responsibilities and the various opportunities which I have been given which include nursing & teaching. Also, the daily interaction with the children, staff, and directors has been nothing but amazing. I thank the Lord for giving me strength each day to provide comfort and love to these little ones. I am forever grateful! There is nowhere else I would rather be serving. My position at Robin’s Nest is a fulfilling and rewarding accomplishment at the end of each given day.”
Robin's Nest is overseen by a board of individuals from five different states. The group encompasses all walks of life, ages, and skillsets . . . but all have the same passion and heart for the ministry.
Current Board Members: Sarah Blouse, Deb Cutting, Todd Giere, Linda Kirkby, Kevin Krusmark, Sherry Linton-Massiah, Mike Myers, Brienne Robertson, Brandi Vennink, Chris & Cheran Hewitt, Dave & Robin Laney.