The story begins with an obedient servant’s heart and a love for children. Some of us are called to serve locally while others feel led to serve internationally. And that is exactly what founder, Michelle Robinette, did in 1997 when she went on a mission trip to Montego Bay, Jamaica. Little did she know the trip would change her life forever. She spent time visiting children at a local orphanage and soon felt led the following year not only to care for hurting children on the island but desired to start a new place where more kids could call "home." Provide a safe, loving, and Christ-centered environment where each child could grow physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
To care for the orphans, the hurting, the helpless. Give them hope and show them unconditional love . . . because He first loved us.
“I did not have one doubt at that moment that this was God's will for my life, to start Robin's Nest Children's Home for those children who were without a home. Matthew 19:26 says, ‘Jesus looked at them and said, with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’ May God’s will continue to be done at Robin’s Nest.”
- Michelle Robinette
The Nest remembers our dear founder who dedicated her life to helping those in need. Her faithfulness and sacrifices left a permanent imprint on countless lives and will have forever changed the island of Jamaica for generations to come.
1944 - 2023
"Well done good and faithful servant . . .
you have fought the good fight, finished the race, and kept the faith."
Matthew 25:23 / 2 Timothy 4:7