We are blessed to have so many wonderful people participate in short-term mission work! And, just because you come home, doesn't mean your impact has to stop. We want to continue to partner with you to provide a safe and secure Christian environment and transform hurting children into spiritually, physically, and mentally healthy believers prepared to impact the world around them.
Regular prayer for the Nest as well as getting an email monthly with prayer needs and praises from Jamaica.
Consider giving monthly to meet the rising costs of caring for 35 children.
Promote our child sponsorship program by becoming a sponsor! It is a great way to give and 100% goes directly to Jamaica for the care of the children.
Consider having a fundraiser at your church, school, office, or neighborhood for Robin's Nest. We would love to give you ideas on ways to help us raise funds.
Plan your next trip to Robin’s Nest! The children love seeing people return and so do we. Your trip helps the Nest in so many ways.